Biden for President holds press call with AAAFund Co-Founder

Biden for President holds press call with AAAFund Co-Founder


On Monday, April 6th, AAA-Fund Co-Founder Paul Tiao participated in a press call hosted by the Biden for President campaign to discuss the recent discrimination associated with COVID-19 faced by many AAPIs. Other participants included Michelle Kwan, Director of Surrogates of Biden for President, Congressman Andy Kim of New Jersey, and Shekar Narasimhan, AAPI Victory Fund Chairman.

It is clearer than ever that leadership and the tone at the top of our government matters and deeply impacts the safety and health of the American people. Biden for President Director of Surrogates Michelle Kwan emphasized that “Joe will bring steady, tested leadership back to the nation” and that his “fight to restore the soul of the nation” includes taking a stand against the violence afflicting AAPIs. 

The harassment and discrimination against AAPIs during this time of crisis is a stark reminder that “politics is personal,” said Congressman Kim. “We need a leader who recognizes and understands the humanity in people. I want my kids to grow up in an America led by Joe Biden.” Kim revealed that he himself was a victim of a stranger’s racist tirade recently and that the Vice President would not only be ready on Day One to take the country forward, but also secure AAPIs a seat at the table and ensure our community’s voices are heard.

That seat at the table grows increasingly critical as the pandemic spreads and our AAPI community continues to be on the frontline of the pandemic – not only as doctors and nurses, but also as essential workers in groceries, restaurants, and more. One-fifth of all doctors in America are AAPI, according to AAPI Victory Fund Chairman Narasimhan. “The reaction to the pandemic follows a clear pattern,” Narasimhan said. “Trump blames others for his failure to act, and resorts to obfuscation and lashing out at people of color and minorities. Biden would take this challenge head on, instead of scapegoating the AAPI community.”

Former Vice President Biden, now the presumptive Democratic nominee, represents a clear, compelling alternative to the current occupant of the White House. AAAFund Co-Founder and Executive Director Paul Tiao emphasized, “Joe is a unifier who brings the right kind of empathetic leadership our country needs right now.” The Vice President created a detailed, thorough, and impactful plan to handle COVID-19, painting a key contrast to a presidency riddled with misinformation, bigotry, and lack of foresight.

These plans, Paul explained, include injecting immediate funding to local, state, and federal governments, supporting telemedicine to maximize thinly-stretched healthcare resources, and securing free vaccines, paid sick leave, and overtime for healthcare workers. Importantly, he would reverse Trump’s onerous public charge rule which has made immigrant families fearful of seeking healthcare. His plans demonstrate his commitment to saving lives and preventing our hospitals, and hospital workers, from being overwhelmed.  

Throughout his career the Vice President has proven himself an ally, champion and partner to the AAPI community, and working people across the country. He knows our community, and he understands how to listen to us. His AAPI platform includes plans to rescind the Muslim ban, reinstate DACA, preserve family reunification, and prioritize persecution of hate crimes, crimes which the current President has refused to condemn. At every turn, Vice President Biden demonstrates the empathetic leadership, humanity, and integrity that we need back in the White House.


Unless clearly identified as statements of the AAA-Fund, the views, opinions, analyses, and assumptions expressed in each blog or clearinghouse post are those of the author or contributor alone, and not those of the AAA-Fund.


Asian American Action Fund: Trump Hiding From His Own Failures by Scapegoating Others


Biden for President to Hold Press Call with Congressman Andy Kim, Michelle Kwan, Asian American Action Fund, and AAPI Victory Fund