Endorsees reach out to ease constituents’ COVID19 concerns

Endorsees reach out to ease constituents’ COVID19 concerns

By Ally Mark, AAAFund Media Fellow

AAAFund’s endorsees have been working overtime to ensure their constituents stay up-to-date on the pandemic. Many set up online resource centers, send daily coronavirus e-newsletters, and host tele-town halls. The outreach efforts aim to dispel misinformation and explain benefits available to their constituents in the recently-passed aid packages.

Resource Guides

Constituent Outreach Efforts

Many of our endorsees have planned series of remote town halls, conducted online or via telephone. They’re turning to social media, particularly Facebook, to spread their messages.

  • Rep. Gil Cisneros:

    • Hosted a tele-town hall with doctors from St. Jude’s Hospital on March 18, 2020. A recording can be found here.

    • Regular Facebook page updates with his work in Congress.

  • Rep. TJ Cox:

    • Held a tele-town hall on March 16, 2020, attended by over 8000 residents. Audio can be found here.

    • Facebook page posts several COVID-19 resources.

  • Rep. Andy Kim:

    • Posts daily video updates (here’s March 31st) on the virus and what Congress is doing about it.

    • Held tele-town hall with local health officials on March 13, 2020.

  • Rep. Susie Lee:

    • Hosted two town halls, with statements released after each, here and here.

    • Posts regular Facebook video updates with information on Congress’s actions, like this one, and other COVID-19 resources.

  • Rep. Katie Porter:

    • Held two town halls, recorded here.

    • Updates Facebook page with her work in Congress on the virus.

  • Rep. Haley Stevens:

    • Conducted her second telephone town hall on Sunday, March 29, attended by over 5000 residents. Audio can be found here.

  • Rep. Harley Rouda:

    • Facebook Town Hall planned for Thursday, April 2. Last town hall, with Orange County health professionals, found here.

    • Facebook page posts regular video updates on his work in Congress and advice. Here’s the latest.


Unless clearly identified as statements of the AAA-Fund, the views, opinions, analyses, and assumptions expressed in each blog or clearinghouse post are those of the author or contributor alone, and not those of the AAA-Fund.


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