AAAFund Proudly Endorses Nikki Foster for Congress

Veteran Nikki Foster would be the first Asian American woman to represent Ohio in U.S. Congress


The Asian American Action Fund (AAAFund) proudly endorses Nikki Foster in her 2020 campaign for Ohio’s First Congressional District.

“We are excited to support Nikki Foster for Ohio’s First Congressional District. Nikki’s intersectional biography exemplifies outstanding courage, sacrifice, and strength: she is an Air Force veteran, daughter of immigrants, All-American athlete, and first-generation college graduate,” said Irene Natividad, AAAFund Endorsements Co-Chair. “Her leadership qualities shine brightest, however, through her powerful dedication to the veterans’ community and her mentorship of fellow service men and women. We need resilient, honest advocates like Nikki in Congress more than ever.”

Lisa Kuan, Tri-State AAAFund Co-Founder, said, “Nikki knows how to fight for working people and will continue to do so by protecting access to healthcare, expanding job training and educational opportunities, and investing in infrastructure. Her experiences in transitioning veterans back to the civilian workforce uniquely position her to understand the needs of businesses, communities, and veterans. No doubt, Nikki will serve the people of Southwestern Ohio as excellently as she has the American people throughout her career.”


The Asian American Action Fund is a Democratic political action committee founded in 1999. AAAFund’s goal is to increase the voice of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in every level of local, state and federal government in the United States.

Unless clearly identified as statements of the AAA-Fund, the views, opinions, analyses, and assumptions expressed in each blog or clearinghouse post are those of the author or contributor alone, and not those of the AAA-Fund.


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